Our challenge is to show how it is possible to grow trees also to increase biodiversity and improve the environment ...
... but not only, the greatest challenge of our time is to show how it can play a productive activity that brings income and at the same time promote the presence of birds, insects, lichens, fungi, reduce pollutants into waterways and subtracts CO2 from the atmosphere to store it inside the wood and in the soil. If we will prove that we will expect that the wood production of farmers will become the engine for the increase of biodiversity and improvement of environment.
To make sure that everything goes as planned we have involved some of the leading experts:
• Prof. Lucio Montecchio, TESAF Department of the University of Padua, who will verify the variation of presence of insects, fungi, lichens, amphibians, reptiles and micro-mammals in the areas concerned by the Project;
• Prof. Maurizio Borin, TESAF Department of the University of Padua, who will study the plantation buffer effect against agricultural pollutants and capacity of new plantations to store CO2 in the wood and in the soil;
• Dr. Guido Tellini, ornithologist expert of Dream Italia, with the task of quantifying and comparing the presence of birds in areas of open field, in the permanent polycyclic plantations and in experimental areas of AALSEA, which are located about 50 km from the Valli Grandi Veronesi where polycyclic plantations are already adults.
The results of these studies will be published on specific reports, articles and seminars. To receive updated information and participate in the discussions of the Forum (that will be opened after the first few seminars), you can subscribe to the newsletter of LIFE + InBioWood and you will
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