The Aphex Template comes complete with some of our most popular extensions - pre packaged with the quickstart and full template versions. Giving you more than just a template - Aphex is a full website ready for launching in minutes!
Become an instant high definition news portal thanks to the Joomla XTC Deluxe News Pro Module. This powerful module makes your site the ultimate news network with ease by displaying your Joomla content with custom CSS and HTML in a module position. Choose your articles with category, section, and more control than ever. Customize your vision of the news by using the module’s ability to display Joomla Plugins in articles, display columns, grids, as well as scrolling content for sliders and slideshows.
This module requires CSS and HTML knowledge for custom layout designs.
This versatile module allows you to enter Text, HTML, JavaScript or CSS code for display on any module position or even the area of your site. Using any editor available in Joomla!, you can edit complex HTML designs or enter plain-text code for custom displays, additional CSS stylings, embeded flash elements or external javaScript programs. What's more, the module supports any Joomla! content plugin allowing you to customize your content even more.
This module gives you the power to display Joomla Contact Listings with your custom CSS and HTML in a module position with added Javscript effects.
Display your contacts listings with your own templates limited only by your imagination. Its the perfect tool for developers with custom styles in mind. Along with the custom layout the module can display columns and grids for custom listing walls as well as scrolling content for slideshows, sliding content, tool tips, pop ups and much more!
The beta version of our new Social Icon module with CSS3 effects and Sprite Icons
Create light box links with this simple Modal Box plugin. This plugin replaces your normal a href call with the modal call to open the content with a mootools lightbox effect.
AcyMailing is a Joomla Extension released in 4 different editions : AcyMailing Starter, AcyMailing Essential, AcyMailing Business and AcyMailing Enterprise. AcyMailing enables you to create mailing lists, manage your subscribers, send Newsletters created with a templating system, create follow-up autoresponder campaigns, handle bounce messages, track clicks, show statistics...
Komento is a lightweight Joomla comment extension from our friends at Komento is the perfect component to manage user comments in articles, blogs, and more. Discover the many thoughtful features of this great Joomla comment system giving users more than just expressing themselves.